
Jon Douglass

PO Box 715
AuSable Forks, NY 12912

Phone: (work) 518-647-5411, Extension 4, (cell) 518-524-7966


Town Supervisor's Welcome

On behalf of the staff working for the people of the Town of Black Brook, I would like to welcome you to our Town Website.

I urge you to check in regularly for information on your town. We will be posting information of upcoming meetings and activities as well as material of recent happenings such as meeting minutes and financial reports.

It is our hope to use this new website as a communication tool between the administration and the residents of Black Brook.

We are a proud community steeped in a tradition of hardworking people and strong family values, and we will continue to focus and improve on the many positive aspects of our Town that make Black Brook such a special place.

Black Brook is an excellent steward of its natural resources.  The Au Sable River, Saranac River, Little Black Brook, Silver Lake, Fern Lake, Taylor Pond, Union Falls, and several streams that provide countless opportunities to explore and enjoy our refreshing waters, our fun and family-oriented local parks, and our endless expanse of public lands.

The goals of the administration are:

  • Honest, open government with sound practices for all financial and other matters of the town.
  • A serious effort to deal with the future of Black Brook by looking ahead and planning for the issues facing us.
  • To keep the best quality of services at the lowest possible cost. 

We hope that our website will be informational and welcoming as well as a reliable source of information and service to our residents.

Your comments and suggestions about our community or our website are always welcome.

The Supervisor serves as the Chief Executive Officer of town government. He presides at all Town Board meetings, directing the legislative and administrative functions of that body. The Supervisor also oversees the day-to-day operations of the municipal government and provides services to Town residents. As the Chief Financial Officer of the township, the Supervisor is responsible for the implementation of the town's budget.

Jon P. Douglass
Supervisor, Town of Black Brook

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News & Updates

Silver Lake Bog Preserve is now open

200-foot bluff overlooking Silver Lake

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JCEO Office Has New Stock of Food

First come, first serve. Located in the Town Hall.

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